Trash baskets as art - Kista Light on cultural Milleniumwalk in Stockholm Södermalm. Image: Thommy Sjöberg
Why not a Millennium Walk?
Follow the most attended and best-selling detective story of them all!
Start with to buy a map at the City Museum where we can follow Micke Blomqvist and Lisbeth Salander in the footsteps of their strolls around Södermalm.
Said and done, start at Mellqvist coffee bar in Hornsgatan, my wife is craving coffee, cappuccino with cardamom bun and, for me, double espresso with crust.
- Just to zoom into street life from the curb streetcafé!
Young girls with lap-tops, women friends in lively conversation, a woman with coffee cup and a novel by Siri Hustvedt, two gentlemen discussing the cinematography and sounds of music from the coffee bar - currents prog rock music - a la present.
Here could Stieg Larsson sit and write during the Expomagazine period and here had Blomkvist his favouritcafé. Here ask Lisbet Salander for a loan of Fox, 120 000, to an important investment that will make her three billion richer.
- A suitcase full of money is also good to have!
Here is also Lisbeth Salander, in love, and where she became deeply disappointed when she sees Mike fucking Blomkvist kiss Erika Berger from Millennium.
Not a bad idea to start the walk at Mellqvist coffee bar - continues over Lunda Bridge, on Lundagatan further west on Södermalm grew Salander up and there has Kista Light painted window in his youth in what we called widowhouses. House by a simple standard for low-income women.
On Monteliusvägen - promenade below Bastugatan (where Kista Light handed out mail in his youth) is one of Stockholm's most beautiful views. Peeking out over Riddarfjärden over at Kungsholmen, Norrmalm and Old Town you can see a number of famous buildings. City Hall, City Hall with Kronoberg where Lisbet's future and destiny will be determined. Beyond Riddarholmen glimpse of the Royal Castle and the Swedish Parliament. All symbols of society's power and institutions, of course, to represent a young and vulnerable people.
On Bellmansgatan, Micke Blomkvist's home address, we will make a gallery round. On the corner of Hornsgatan where eight young silversmiths exhibit, we are literally thrown in - well kindly invited - nice things to us unknown silversmiths. Here we meet our own Ronne Dahl, H sommarölänning and retired, happily toast in white wine and talking about summer. H is very interested in culture and do most every Saturday a gallery round - starting at the locks up Hornsgatspuckeln, turn off at Bellmansgatan and so closed at the Maria Square.
- The Gallery season begins in October and are looking forward in June says H happily since he was little in the cap and are already broadcast on the legs after traveling a number of galleries with generous glass of vernissagevin.
The synagogue on St. Paul Street, Detective January Bublanskis Assembly, we do not see a glimpse of, but here we meet a young blonde cute nurse with a baby in a pram, a former colleague of my wife, while we're talking happily - gossip about chiefs and stuff perhaps, before moving on.
How sweet she was a little girl, so girly and what a beautiful name Siri, "says my wife about his colleague's little baby.
- She says Kista Light - that was a little guy! It was seen clearly. Your colleague even said his name was Philip!
Remember that you can hear and see so different! But it was two I in: you both names, we say in the corner of the street at Hökens gata and Götgatan right where Millennium had its premises above Greenpeace. While we understand that we will have plenty to discuss once we become pensioners.
We miss the Mill - Kvarnen, where Lisbet Salander meet the girls in the band Evil Fingers, for which we have been before, while we rush towards Fish Street.
Salander and the Swedish loneliness can you meditate over while standing outside the gate at Fiskargatan 9th. The hacker Lisbet as wit to the billion and bought a luxury apartment, which she calls V Kulla and where no one knows that she lives.
Was it really Bosse Parnevik who lived there or was that ABB's Percy Barnevik? Anyway, there must be this mystery genre's most lonely hero (heroine). No one has her address and her way over there have gone from a minor statement, the victim of sadistic rape, buried alive by her father and brother and, finally, forensic psychiatric abuse from society.
Talk about exposure and to be scruffy!
While follow Salander a development curve. She, the girl with Aspberg syndrome, learning impact, studying higher mathematics, will help boost her femininity and travel to the Caribbean for their clips hacking before it is time for the final settlement with the family (see ancient drama) to deal with society.
One wonders how much Stieg Larsson has woven from his own personal history and emotional development in his Salander history. Salander is the Millennium trilogy genius Clou and here are Pippi in the digital age.
Puzzle, police and spy thriller!
All in one!
Millennium trilogy tells something about Sweden!
We did not know?
Fun with the millennium tour - in fact we met a group of tourists, certainly more than thirty of the Monteliusvägen walking in the City Museum's house - crowded there - might suit us at another time with a guided milleniumtur.
Colorful sofa at Mosebacke comfortable to rest on the detective walk. Image: Thommy Sjöberg
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© Thommy Sjöberg
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Bland istappar i Gammelstaden - Luleå
Bland hängande istappar, röda stugor med vita knutar och välformade snöformationer på de lutande taken, en snöskottares våta dröm, prövar vi en snöboll eller två! Bild: Thommy Sjöberg
Kistalight på vift i Luleå/Boden under sportlovsveckan.Besöker vår dotter Evelina som via kärleken, sin Erik, hamnat i Boden och via studier till sjukgymnast gör Luleå högskola osäker.
- Kulturutflykter!
- Här vankas världsarv!
Vi promenerar bland röda stugor snöröjda gator, skottade trottoarer, härlig vårvinter, dagsmeja och solen skiner. Allt medan Kistalight prövar ett antal snöbollar. Målet, nedhängande istappar som kraschar fint av de packade snöbollarna. Min dotter kluckar av skratt när hon ser vad jag håller på med.
Lite yrvaket undrar jag om detta är värdigt en äldre medelålders man på kulturpromenad i ett världsarv.
Dessutom kanske man skrämmer de boende!
Nästan som mina värstingnior!
Vi hämtar några broschyrer på turistinformationen och vi skyndar in i den gamla medeltida kyrkan. Träffar ett trevligt äldre värdpar som berättar om kyrkans predikstol och altarskåp.
Det fantasifulla altarskåpet med sina myllrande träfigurer som är från tiden strax före Gustav Vasas reformation (1520) är byggt i Antwerpen och betalades med 900 riksdaler silvermark när det begav sig.
En jättesumma, på den tiden, som de rekorderliga lulebönderna betalade kontant.
Vårt värdpar är en gåva för alla besökare och medan de bjuder på fika i brudkammaren berättar de vidare om kyrkans rariteter som predikstolen och orgeln med sina 55 stämmor och 4200 pipor. Speciellt berättar vår fru om de mycket populära ljusspelet kring gudstjänsterna vid midsommar.
Ett ljusspel som kanske upptäcktes av en slump. På midsommarafton när midnattssolen passerar kyrkans fönster blir Kristus på korset belyst av solen.
En gudomlig upplevelse för besökarna!
Men då måste det vara vackert väder.
Så klart!
För över sextio år sedan gifte sig vårt värdpar sig här i kyrkan. Martin hämtade hem sin brud uppströms Luleälven där myggen biter hårt på somrarna till sitt hemman i Bälinge där älven mynnar till en fjärd innan den rinner ut i Bottenviken.
En vacker plats för livslång kärlek och där myggen inte får fäste på äktenskap, folk och fä.
©Thommy Sjöberg
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